Without Bound - Perspectives on Mobile Living (Documentary)

This project started the summer of 2012 when Aaron Harlan and I traveled through New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada and Utah to meet and interview a fascinating group of people who choose to live in vehicles rather than traditional dwellings. As a personal interest project, it has been repeatedly postponed for other priorities like work, illness and family issues to the extent that I often wondered if it would ever be completed.

I am pleased to announce that the finished video will be available Friday, November 21st at 6:00pm CST on YouTube. You can check out the trailer below.

You can learn more about the people here:

Bob Wells - cheaprvliving.com

Randy Vining - mobilecodgers.blogspot.com

Josh and Meisha Manwaring - vagabloggers.com

Steve Ballee' - www.arizonaexplorations.com